In San Diego, Harrison Sweet worked at Cibus, a biotech company that aims to responsibly enhance native plant traits to transform food and agriculture. |
Ashley Davidson analyzed data collected by the Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey (TESS) at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research in Cambridge, Mass. |
William Belcher used artificial intelligence to predict failures in materials and machinery at the UVA Center for Visual and Decision Informatics in Charlottesville, S.C. |
Tate Ellinwood created autonomous watercraft using Tupperware at the Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. |
Sarah Hughes studied the connection between common cosmetics and vulvodynia at Macalester Collete in St. Paul, Minn. |
Olivia Lee worked at The GW School of Engineering & Applied Science in Washington, D.C. to help develop a new concept for the seismic design of post-tensioned shear walls. |
At Rockefeller University in New York City, Liam Pharr investigated the mechanisms by which organisms are put into a state of embryonic diapause, or suspended animation. |
Michaela Purvis studied the locations where CrebA, an important transcription factor, binds during salivary gland organogenesis at the John Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md. |
Varun Reddy investigated the efficacy of an FDA-approved drug used to treat Sickle Cell Disease at Texas Children's Hospital. |
Christopher Robles used his computer programming knowledge at The Applied Logic, Programming Languages, and Systems Laboratory (ALPS) at UT Dallas. |
Abhi Yerramreddy completed a virtual externship at Swensa, an IOT tech company focused on creating products and solutions to simplify complex business processes. |